Friday, March 18, 2022



March 18, 2022


March 17, 2022 TCT: Col. Douglas McGregor on the prospects of peace. 

The West is deeply shocked about the Russian intervention in Ukraine. But honesty requires us to acknowledge the deep level at which the Democrat led US Security State has been rooting itself in Russia's border since 2013, if not sooner; a playground that happens to be right in Russia's backyard, a piece of real estate Russians call their historical heartland!

We know this because politicians of the Democrat Party have been involved in a number of plots against domestic opponents for years, using Ukraine as a staging ground, with or without the Ukrainians' foreknowledge. Think of the plots against candidate Trump and against President Trump, a.k.a. Spygate or the Russia Russia Russia hoax, and then there were the impeachments. And what to think of Hunter Biden's involvement with Burisma. 

And then the West is morally outraged that Russia, after years of provocations decides, with the feckless Biden in charge, the time is ripe to start pushing back in an unmistakable way. The people of Ukraine may have no idea how they have been used; they still believe in the free West, a concept that regrettably no longer exists in reality.

More recently we saw the controversy over the US financed bio labs in Ukraine. Read the posting on March 10, CONFUSION ABOUT THE BIO LABS IN UKRAINE. But there’s more.

Last night Jesse Watters had an interview with former CIA officer, Ryan Hillsberg. They discussed reports the CIA secretly trained Ukrainians after Russia's 2014 invasion and annexation of the Crimean Peninsula. Hillsberg thinks it’s a great idea! Watch the interview on Rumble.

March 18, 2022 
Newzztreamz: CIA secretly trained Ukrainian forces.

There is an irresponsible recklessness in the West’s rush to war with nuclear Russia. It is not quite clear on what they base their idea that the opposing party will not fight back or may even prevail over Western liberal democracy. The idea just doesn’t seem to occur to them. We are witnessing here a decadent bunch of elitists who have never had to fight an existential battle in their lives, and who are quite content let others do the sacrificing, the bleeding and dying for them.

For the wise guys saying, but hey, you're morally equivocating the democracy of the United States with Putin's autocracy of Russia, you have either not been paying attention the last decade or so, or you must be a partisan hack!

The label of ”Democracy” has always been a cover for what is in actual fact Democratic Socialism. It is not some morally neutral way to organize a state; it is the particular ideology now prevalent in the West. That it is no longer morally superior or even neutral is betrayed by the fact that opponents are being cancelled, prosecuted, fined or even jailed for expressing opposing opinions.

External reading
  • Human Events: THE FOG OF INFORMATION WAR IN UKRAINE, by Pedro L. Gonzalez (article)
Pedro Gonzalez in an item on Human Events explains the modus operandi of the US Security State. The CIA has a civil arm the National Endowment of Democracy, which in the meantime has metastasized into the European Endowment of Democracy.
“The National Endowment for Democracy was established by Congress, in effect, to take over the CIA’s covert propaganda efforts. But, unlike the CIA, the NED promotes U.S. policy and interests openly.” The NED’s co-founder, Allen Weinstein, admitted as much. “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA,” he said in an interview with the Washington Post entitled, “Innocence Abroad: The New World of Spyless Coups.”

Tags: Globalism, War & conflict, History


March 16, 2022 Today: Ukraine’s Zelensky Shares Graphic Video During Address To Congress.

Since 2013 we have become aware that Ukrainians, like the Russians, are top notch propagandists; and Zelensky is their Master. Only soulless creatures would not be moved by the innocent victims of the war. But selectively isolating shocking images and collecting them in a film supported by sentimental violin music, is calculated to manipulate the viewers on an emotional level. Per an US TV journalist: "Zelensky has mastered 21st Century communication."

Apparently even Senators, hired by the voters to look at issues from a rational, detached, geopolitical perspective, let their heartstrings be tugged by Zelensky's emo blackmail. If our fate depended on these people, they would start World War 3 on the basis of emotional incontinence.

But propagandists are not limited to the former East bloc. In the White House we find Biden calling Putin “a murderer, a dictator and a thug”. According to press secretary Jenn Psaki, her boss was “speaking from the heart”. But from presidents we expect more than public speaking at the level of school girls.

March 17, 2022 Dinesh D'Souza: Why the Left's Attempt to 'Cancel' Russia is Ridiculous.

Dinesh D'Souza points out the ridiculousness of the wokesters trying to cancel individual Russian citizens, as if that nation was Albania instead of a former super power. Russia may not be the Soviet Union anymore, it still inhabits a huge part of the Eurasian landmass, defended by hundreds of strategical and tactical nukes.

The problem of these little pocket fascists is that they have no standard whatsoever. Consequently they are unable to appraise the relative values and powers of any given object, person or situation. This is where that ridiculousness of a bunch of perpetually mental adolescents comes from. 

Tags: Globalism, Info war, War and conflict

March 11, 2022


March 10, 2022 TCT: Glenn Greenwald: We have been flooding Ukraine with lethal arms for 5 or 6 years. 

UPDATE: Per usual the West is locked up into its own libdem brainbox, unaware of the other paradigms that various people on this earth are living in. They lack the imagination, or perhaps they are not as 'empathic' as they think they are. What they take for objective reality -- listen to them going on about facts and follow the science -- is actuality just their libdem paradigm. It follows that they are completely unaware of their own false constructs. 

For example, they don't 'remember', or they never thought of it that way, that the US State Dept. and the Security State have been using Ukraine as their own private playground since at least 2014, if not sooner; a playground that happens to be right in Russia's backyard, a piece of real estate they call their heartland!

We know about this because politicians of the Democrat Party have been involved in a number of plots against domestic opponents for years, using Ukraine as a staging ground, with or without the Ukrainians' knowledge. Think of the plots against candidate Trump and against President Trump, a.k.a. Spygate or the Russia Russia Russia hoax, and then there were the impeachments. And what to think of Hunter Biden's involvement with Burisma. Check a few posts: 


  • And then they are morally outraged that Russia, after years of provocations decides, with the feckless Biden in charge, the time is ripe to start pushing back in an unmistakable way. The people of Ukraine may have no idea how they have been used; they still believe in the free West, a concept that regrettably no longer exists in reality. 

    The phenomenon of the total mobilization that Darren Beattie describes as the Floyd strategy, is a characteristic of a fascist society, not a liberal one rooted in individual rights.  Activist mobs are decidedly a collectivist, if not a totalitarian attribute. 

    March 10, 2022 Warroom Pandemic: The Globalists are trying to cancel Russia the way they canceled domestic opponents.

    External reading

    Tags: Globalism, War & conflict, History

    March 10, 2022


    March 9, 2022 TCT: Tucker talks about US Biolabs in Ukraine.

    UPDATE: In continuation of yesterday's posting, the news out of Antalya is that the Foreign Ministers of both countries emerged from the Israeli brokered meeting without a break through. Russia's four demands are not negotiable. The news in the West in the past 24 hours centered on the bio research facilities in Ukraine, in danger of falling into Russian hands. According to the Fox News Pentagon propagandist correspondent Jennifer Griffin, the bio research facilities are a remnant of the collapse of the Soviet Union. 

    The US partnered up with Ukraine to make sure nothing untoward would happen to them. Apparently dismantling these facilities some time in the last thirty years was no option. On the other hand a level 3 lab located in Odessa, a city next on Russia's bucket list, was opened only in 2010! The crystal ball in the State Dept. shows that Russia will stage a false flag attack on the labs in the coming days. 

    March 9, 2022 TCT - Tulsi Gabbard: Biolabs are insecure & posing a threat to the world.

    March 9, 2022 Warroom Pandemic with Darren Beattie - 'Bannon: The Democratic Party Is Now The Warmonger Party'.

    Tags: Globalism, War & conflict, History

    March 9, 2022


    Warroom March 8, 2022 - Harnwell: Zelensky Open To Discussing Donbass Sovereignty.

    UPDATE: The lenient terms to end the war offered by Russia yesterday hardly registered anywhere in the mainstream media. To wit: 1. cessation of hostilities by Ukraine; 2. Ukraine will become a neutral state; 3. Ukraine will recognize Crimea as part of Russia; 4. Ukraine will cede the two regions in the Donbass, DPR and LPR as independent eparchies. It is reported that the Ukrainians have not rejected the terms and that Israel and Turkey are involved in mediation, with the Israeli PM and the two Foreign Ministers of the warring parties talking tomorrow in Antalya.

    March 8, 2022 - Victoria Nuland warns of Ukrainian biological facilities falling into Russian hands.

    The second bit of news today involves the hearing yesterday in the Senate of the State Dept.'s Victoria Nuland answering questions by Marco Rubio about bio labs in Ukraine, long reporting by China and Russia and  dismissed as fake news. After Nuland's admission the question is, who is running these labs and what are they researching or producing? Rubio thinks there's no need for any of such details and was glad to give Nuland the opportunity to point out that should anything untoward occur, Putin is to blame by default.  

    March 9, 2022 Warroom Pandemic Harnwell: There is no “rules-based order” - just a globalist class of pathological grifters.

    Tags: Globalism, War & conflict, History

    March 7, 2022


    March 7, 2022 Warroom Pandemic: Posobiec on Going Cyber with Russia.

    UPDATE: Russia just offered terms for an end to the war. They are reasonable and actually quite lenient. The question is, will the war mongers in the EU and NATO press Ukraine to accept the terms. For the sake of the people in Ukraine and in the West, we must pray they do. But in truth, these people are so far off the garden path, they just don't care about the consequences of their recklessness. Russia not just corners the market in gas, they do also in wheat and fertilizers, but hey, food comes from factories, right?  

    The EU is throwing oil on the fire, poking the bear even further by proposing membership for Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Wisely, Germany and the Netherlands are against it.

    The Netherlands had a referendum on the subject of admission for Ukraine in which the Dutch voted against. That did not stop the EU, including the Dutch PM himself from settling the admission process in motion. But facing municipal elections in a few weeks, explains the present stance of the Dutch Government.

    NATO is trying to expand beyond the Atlantic region, seeking out partners against China's impending take over of Taiwan. Contrary to what they are doing in Eurasia, this is actually a good idea, since China is the real enemy.

    March 7, 2022 Warroom Pandemic - Harnwell: “Military-industrial complex determined to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.”

    March 7, 2022 Warroom Pandemic - Steve Cortes: The Effect of War on Biden’s Struggling Economy.

    Tags: Globalism, War & conflict, History

    March 6, 2022


    March 5, 2022 Glenn Beck talks to Justin Haskins who has already read Dugin's The Fourth Political Theory. Full Podcast

    UPDATE: As outlined yesterday, the old world order is gone and isn't coming back. In historical terms, the world changed practically overnight. As in the 1850s the world faces the false dichotomy of choices, either collectivist Communism or collectivist Fascism; Liberty doesn't come into it and indeed may not even survive this time, unless President Trump makes a come-back to save the day at the 11th hour as a postmodern King Arthur. 

    The actual choice today is between the West's idea of International Liberal Democratic Fascism or Russia's version of National Fascism. In this posting we will try to determine what the latter means in the broadest sense.

    Let's remind ourselves what Fascism actually is. We know it today as PPP, Public-Private Partnership. Per Benito Mussolini who coined the term: "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." So there we are. Today we hear the news that Netflix has withdrawn its business from Russia. It's just one example. There are legion! (More on Political Research Associates). 

    Many half baked experts have commented that "Putin wants to bring back the Soviet Union". This is dumb talk. Soviet Russia does not exist anymore and no one wants to bring back Communism. Not even the President of Russia. Nor does it involve the return of the Czar.

    What Putin has been referencing is a version of Imperial Russia per the ideas of Aleksander Dugin as set out in his Fourth Political Theory (PDF). We are not well versed in the particulars of Czarist Russia or the idiosyncracies of Slavonic cultural influences added over time, but we know its roots. Its the old Roman Empire, or the Eastern version of it, the Byzantine Empire.  

    Dugin's beef seems to be primarily with the liberal values of Universalism and Individualism. Which leads him to embrace a type of ethnic (hence, "national") but actually cultural postmodernism (reality depends on where you stand). He has identified the modern period as the point in time where everything went haywire. According to Dugin, modern is evil. But what is modern?

    The term first surfaced in the Renaissance, which is significant. It was the period in Western culture after the Latin sacking of Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade, when the Byzantine treasure trove of art and learning found its way to Europe. What is today admired in Venice as fine and exotic are in fact the pieces of art and architecture ripped from the heart of the Byzantine capital.

    The West was literally lifted out of the obscurantism and stagnation of the Middle Ages and was enlightened by Eastern Aristotelian philosophy, which found its way to the Catholic Church by way of St. Thomas of Aquinas. Not the Muslims, but the Greek Byzantines (duh) were the custodians of Aristotle's reality based philosophy. 

    The hater of modernism, Aleksander Dugin may not have realized that. Presumably he locates the onset of modernity in Protestantism, or at some point during in the anti rational 19th Century, the era of Kant, Hegel and Marx. Read all about that in the series on The Counter Enlightenment, the actual roots of Postmodernism. Furthermore Dugin seems to equate Nationalism with Fascism. We must not forget he is coming from a post (internationalist) Communist background. 

    In sum, Putin's vision of a reconstituted Imperial Russia may not be as bad as it sounds. Not per se, in any case. Of course Russia has a horrible history of feudalism and serfdom that enslaved entire generations of peasants to the land as if they were cattle. We must assume that is not part of Putin's vision of the New Russia, as later developments. 

    But it will of course be the Handmaid's nightmare to the millions of wokesters that grew up in decades of liberal licentiousness in the West. But then they would not have to live in the New Russia. They can just cast their hatred and maledictions from afar, in a culture that no longer has freedom of speech or freedom of the press; and where corporations are beholden to the operators of a command economy without money, and private property is an attribute of the past. 

    So, welcome in the post Great Reset era. It will be hard to predict when and how exactly things will shake out for any particular nation, but the long and short of it is, either version of the Great Reset has already been set in motion and we are living through a paradigm shift in history. How it will turn out, depends in a some degree on ourselves as individuals.

    Next question: how could a Theory of Liberty For All with moral relativity at its roots, could become a totalitarian, global ideology based on moral absolutism. What went wrong?

    God's speed, dear brothers and sisters, choose well!

    Dec. 22, 2020 The Stoa: The Fourth Political Theory with Aleksander Dugin.

    Kings & Generals: Fourth Crusade: From Sack to Restoration - Medieval DOCUMENTARY.

    Tags: Globalism, War & conflict, History

    March 5, 2022


    March 5, 2022 Warroom Pandemic - Harnwell: “Zelensky wants NATO to declare war on Russia.”

    UPDATE: Yesterday we concluded that the free world as we knew it since World War 2, is gone. We have woken up in a different reality. Like in the 1850s we are left with a false dichotomy. Back then it was felt there was but one choice and it was collectivist: it was either communism or fascism. No one considered individual freedom (or Capitalism) a viable choice. But it was nevertheless Liberty that carried the day after World War 2. But things have changed.

    Since the new millennium Liberty has been squandered freely by the present generation of postmodern leaders. Cancel culture, wokeness and other forms of intolerant purism have taken over. And then came the pandemic. What was left of Liberty was killed off by vaccine mandates, lock downs and other Covid regulations. Constitutions, Charters, Human Rights and other Legal safeguards, all proved powerless in the onslaught of petty tyrants issuing edict after edict, for our sakes of course.

    As in the thirties we are left with just one collectivist choice and this time it is by no means certain Liberty is a viable choice. Nor is it a choice between straight up communism or fascism. The choice we our about to make pits two forms of fascism against each other. The international, liberal democrat variety we have come to know in the West, or Putin's vision of the pre-modern Imperial Russia. More about that tomorrow. 

    March 5, 2022 Warroom Pandemic -  Navarro: Putin Says Sanctions Against Russia Akin to War Declaration.

    March 5, 2022 Warroom Pandemic - Posobiec on Ukraine and the Clintons: “Getting the band back together for one last grift.”

    March 5, 2022 Warroom Pandemic - Tyrmand Reports from Krakow.

    Tags: Globalism, War & conflict, History

    Feb. 28, 2022


    Feb. 28, 2022 Warroom Pandemic: Lee Smith and “Ukraine’s Deadly Gamble”.

    UPDATE: The propaganda machines on both sides of the conflict are working over time. No one can be believed on face value. One conclusion is clear at this point: we are witnessing the death of the world as we knew it, the old liberal democrat order established after World War 2. It is already gone. A more thorough analysis in the next posting. 

    WR 28: Steve Cortes and the Economics of Russian Sanctions.

    WR 28: The Biden Economic Quagmire with Steve Cortes.

    WR 28 Molly McCann: Globalism and Green Energy.

    WR 28: America Beware: Your “NATO allies” are using non-military means to provoke Russia into hot war.

    Tags: Globalism, War & conflict, History

    Feb. 27, 2022


    Feb. 26, 2022 Warroom Pandemic: Author Rebekah Koffler in Studio, Talks Ukraine, Russia, & “Putin’s Playbook”.

    UPDATE: The biggest mistake of Ukraine was putting their trust in the decadent West. The globalists in the EU and NATO have given the Ukrainians the idea that they would come to their rescue. Now they come empty handed. Surprisingly Erdogan of Turkey told Zelensky he will close the Bosporus Straits to Russian warships. Reducing the present predicament to its root, it appears there is a direct link between green pressure groups; Russia has actively been hooking the West on Russian gas. This now comes to bite us in the backside. To illustrate the US's Democrat mindset in foreign policy: Biden offered Zelensky a PR campaign during a forty minute phone call. It looks like the woke chickens are on the verge of coming home to roost on the demoralized, decadent Western world. Not a pretty picture. 

    Feb. 26, 2022 Warroom Pandemic: What More Can Be Done to Deter Russian Aggression?

    Feb. 26, 2022 Warroom Pandemic: Matthew Tyrmand in Europe: “Why is Putin doing this now? Timing.”

    Tags: Globalism, War & conflict, History

    Feb. 25, 2022


    Feb. 24, 2022 Viva Frei: Russia Declares War in Ukraine - George Szamuely Explains.

    UPDATE: Who thinks the West was a litany of war and bloody battle, ought to check the history of the Eastern Roman Empire! To modern man European history -- and consequently its logic -- is tribalistic. But reducing events to theit historical origin is the only way to understand its causes. Among the propaganda on both ends of the conflict, a number of truth seekers are trying to make heads or tails of the conflict between the brother peoples, Russians and Ukrainians in what is essentially a civil war. One piece of advice, leave your liberal Western values at home. For more history on the subject read the background section below. 

    Feb. 24, 2022 Warroom Pandemic - Nigel Farage: We've Given Putin A Nationalist Cause.

    Feb. 24, 2022 Warroom Pandemic - Phllip Patrick: Like A Junkie Trying To Sanction Their Dealer.

    Feb. 24, 2022 Warroom Pandemic - Matthew Tyrmand: Ukraine Will Be Our Problem.

    Feb. 24, 2022 Warroom Pandemic: Author Rebekah Koffler Details “Putin’s Playbook”.

    Tags: Globalism, War & conflict, History

    Feb. 24, 2022


    Live Stream: Russia Today. News bulletins every hour, on the hour. 

    UPDATES: Ukraine has severed diplomatic relations with Russia. Putin has stated in an early morning briefing he does not intend to occupy Ukraine proper, declaring the entire territories of the two Donbass provinces autonomous. Civilian population centers will not be targeted. In the meantime an infamous Ukrainian battalion is targeting the Greek population in Mariapol in the very south of Donetsk. 

    Live Stream: Ruptly. Live from Lugansk amid Russia's military operation in Ukraine.

    Feb. 24, 2022 GB News: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg briefing on Ukraine crisis | 11:15 Thursday 24th February.

    Feb. 24, 2022 SkaiTV Greece: report from Mariupol and the border with Russia early this morning. Mariupol in the south of Donetsk is under fire by the Ukrainian army.

    Tags: Globalism, War & conflict, History

    Feb. 22, 2022


    Feb. 21, 2022 Ruptly - REFEED: Putin gives statement following Security Council meeting on Donbass recognition.

    UPDATE: Would encourage taking the time to watch President Putin's full address to the nation. It is a unique lecture on history in the larger region and contains some interesting nuggets as well. In the context of this item and given that Kiev is the historical heartland of the Russian people, we have been trying to retrace in vain when exactly Ukraine became a country separate from the Russian motherland. Putin finally explains it in his address. 

    Ukraine is not a country, it is a construct of Lenin and later Soviet leaders. Aside from Ukraine not being democratic at all -- we dealt with that in earlier posts -- and considering the US/NATO has no strategic interests in  the region, why is the West so set in defending Ukraine's sovereignty and borders, especially given that they couldn't care less about Israel's, Serbia's or Cyprus' sovereignty and borders, not to mention their own?

    The answer may lie in the EU's ever expanding empire. Maybe. Or these postmodern kids in mature bodies just relish the opportunity to poke the Russian bear once again.

    So much also for Western intelligence: instead of a imminent and full invasion we have independence and peace keeping forces, an interesting fact in itself. But Biden is still insisting the "invasion is imminent" (video).

    Here's how the West has been lying to Russia. Is it any wonder Putin is "paranoid" to quote some Western leader. 


    Market Watch: "President Joe Biden on Monday signed an executive order restricting American business in Ukraine’s breakaway regions, in response to Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s recognition of those areas...The breakaway Russophone provinces largely trade in coal and chickens. Speaking of shooting oneself in the foot.. The German people will pay the price, but what do the ruling elites care? Paying high energy prices? You ain't seen nothing yet!

    Tags: Globalism, War & conflict, History

    Feb. 20, 2022


    Sep. 25, 2015 University of Chicago, Prof. John Mearsheimer: Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? 

    UPDATE: Time for another trip into history, this time fairly recently, from the previous battle in Ukraine's civil war back in 2013/4. First of all a few side notes to the Mearsheimer lecture. Many are equivocating democracy with freedom. Case in point, the Arab Spring. With the goal to advance democracy in the Middle East Hillary Clinton's State Dept. conspired with the Muslim Brotherhood to free Egypt of the autocratic regime of Hosni Mubarak. The result was an Islamist pro Sharia misrule that was emphatically opposed to anything democratic. So much for spreading democracy by the beneficial hegemon. Democracy is overrated; what we really want are the rights of the individual cast into law.

    Point number two, a forgotten tenet of liberty (and why it is different from democracy) lies at the bottom of the wish of the russophones in the Donbass to seek independence from Ukraine. That is the notion of 'dictatorship by the majority'. In the concept of liberty the rights of the parties not in power can't simply be cast aside as irrelevant.

    Especially in a sharply divided country as Ukraine, one side cannot ignore and ride roughshod over the rights of others. So no, Ukraine does not have the right to take the country into the West's sphere of interest against the wishes of a large part of the people! 

    Prof. Mearsheimer is making an interesting point, calling the present denizens of the State Dept. "people of the 21st Century" as opposed the "people of the 19th Century" ruling countries like Russia and China. Another word for the former would be, postmodernists. They have rejected all the traditionally held paradigms of history, replacing them with their own liberal democrat truths and moral tenets.

    One of those traditional concepts is the Monroe Doctrine that is pitting East against West in a balance of power that has prevented the Cold War from spinning out of control in a nuclear cataclysm. That balance has been cast aside by the postmodernists as outdated, meaning that the West is now getting embroiled in a region without strategic interest.

    What more could go wrong, you might ask? At the time of Mearsheimer's talk in 2015 the smart people in the State Dept. had not yet driven Russia in the arms of China. This has changed recently (WEIGHING THE CHINO RUSSIAN ALLIANCE). So good luck with that! 

    What else is symptomatic of the stupidities of the ruling postmodernists? A good example would be Biden's first act in office, nixing the Keystone XL Pipeline and other grey energy projects they didn't like, costing the US its energy independence. So instead of American NLG being shipped over the Atlantic, Europe is now dependent on Russian gas. This being the reason why Germany can't support Ukraine. 

    Feb. 19, 2022 Caspian Report: Why Germany won't help Ukraine.

    In the meanwhile the attacks, the sabotage, the provocations and the false flags, all point in the other direction, from Ukraine instead of Russia, as Biden is wont to point out every single day since the past two weeks (CNN). It is a joke at this point. (DPR is the Donetsk People's Republic.)

    Live Stream: Ruptly - Evacuations from Gorlovka amid rising tensions in Donbass region. (Live from Taganrog in Russia as Donbass evacuees settle in to temporary accommodation.)

    "Ruptly is live from Gorlovka in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic on Sunday, February 20, as local residents make ready to be evacuated amid increasing tensions in the east of Ukraine. Both Kiev and the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics have accused each other of ceasefire violations and shelling in recent days. The OSCE on Friday confirmed that there were “multiple shelling incidents” across the frontline in the Donbass region."

    Putin may not be invading Ukraine, we can rest assured he will be keeping up the pressure until Russia's security is assured.
    The Russians have also figured out that Western leaders are delusional:

    Tags: Globalism, War & conflict, History

    Feb. 15, 2022


    Feb. 15, 2022 NewsMax: BREAKING: Russia makes major announcement regarding Ukraine.

    UPDATE: The day before the outbreak of the long awaited war with Russia, Russian troops appear to be leaving the Russo-Ukraine border area, returning to their home bases elsewhere in the motherland. Surely we will not have to wait long for the inevitable claim of victory by the Biden regime. Wag-the-bear is complete. Putin today, in a presser with the German Chancellor Scholz, showed his usual poker face. Upon the Chancellor expressing the wish never to be at war on the European continent again, Putin reminded him of the war on Yugoslavia and NATO bombs on Belgrado not that long ago. Putin has made it clear that the days of the West having free reign in Eastern Europe is over. Clearly Russia has drawn a line in the sand with this exercise.

    Feb. 15, 2022 RT: Putin and Scholz hold press conference in Moscow.

    Yesterday we asked the question why the West is defending Ukraine? The usual argument is, that Ukraine is a democracy. Turns out Ukraine is not just an openly racist state (although no one in the West wants to report it), it's also an authoritarian state that arrests its opposition leaders and closes the opposition media.

    Haninia on his appearance on TCT

    Tags: Globalism, War & conflict, Info war

    Feb. 15, 2022


    Feb. 14, 2022 Nigel Farage: How to stop war in Ukraine.

    UPDATE: Here's a bit of news about the Ukraine that is hardly known in the West. The Ukraine is an openly racist state. It treats its ethnic minorities like slaves, even those who were there before them, i.e. the Greeks. So much for Europe and its "community of values", all baseless talk! The EU has declared Ukraine a protectorate. But that liberal-fascist wannabe Empire has no values or fundamentals! How did Ukraine, the heartland of the Kievan Rus, get independent from Russia in the first place, you might ask. They declared it
    Zelensky announced on May 18 the introduction of the bill on the indigenous peoples of Ukraine for the “protection” of their rights. According to the bill, the indigenous people of Ukraine are those who do not have a state entity outside of Ukraine. 
    However, this poses several issues, such as the fact that Greeks have the states of Greece and Cyprus, but have been living in the territory of today’s Ukraine since 800BC, long before the arrival of Slavs and the eventual establishment of the Kievan Rus in 882 AD. 
    This definition means that Russians, Greeks, Poles, Romanians, Hungarians and others cannot be considered indigenous peoples of Ukraine. It also means that Russians and Greeks are not considered indigenous peoples in Crimea, whilst Crimean Tatars, Karaims and Krymchaks are. (More on Greek City Times)

    Update 1The Greek Foreign Ministry announced the death of two expatriates, and the serious injury of two others, in the village of Granitne in the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine. Granitne is one of the most important centres of the Greek community in the region and is the last village in of Donetsk controlled by Kiev’s forces before entering the pro-Russian controlled part of Donetsk. The village is less than 35 km from the Ukrainian-Russian border. The inhabitants, most of them Greeks, have been living through war and violence for the last eight years. There are generally estimated to be more than 80,000 Greeks living in the Donetsk region. (More on Greek City Times)

    Update 2: Why Ukrainian soldiers killed two Greeks - "They must have consumed vodka," says community leader. (Greek City Times)

    Update 3: Ukrainian Ambassador says murder of ethnic Greeks in Donetsk  had "no politocal or ethnic motive". (Greek City Times)

    Tags: Globalism, War & conflict

    Feb. 2, 2022

    UPDATE: Russian President Vladimir Putin and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron met in Moscow on Monday, holding talks about the crisis in Ukraine, European security, and bilateral issues that lasted nearly six hours. They held a joint press conference afterwards, revealing some of the meeting’s results. 
    1. Putin says NATO ignored Russia’s security proposals.
    2. Macron suggests new ‘security mechanisms’ for Ukraine standoff.
    3. Putin agrees to work on Macron’s de-escalation proposals.
    4. Kiev must stick to Minsk agreements, stop discrimination of Russians in Ukraine.
    5. Putin warns of possible nuclear war if Ukraine joins NATO,
    (More on Russia Today)

    BREAKING: Biden just delegated VP Kamala Harris to represent the US at the upcoming Munich security summit on Feb. 18-20. What does that mean? It means that Harris is in the dog house. The regime is loading her up with lost causes. But is the Ukraine-Russia matter a lost cause? 

    It most certainly is. Technically Ukraine is already in a state of war with Russia; therefore allowing Ukraine to become a member of NATO would automatically trigger Article 5; meaning the US and vast parts of Europe would be at war with nuclear Russia. Putin tried to explain this to the toddlers in the media. Case closed.

    Tags: Globalism, War & conflict

    Jan. 28, 2022


    Jan. 28, 2022 War Room Pandemic: Biden’s Botched Phone Call With Ukraine.

    UPDATE: CNN’s The Lead with Jake Tapper posted and later deleted a report on social media reporting on President Joe Biden’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which went poorly for the American leader according to a CNN reporter who reported on the call. Per the report, Biden told Zelensky that a Russian invasion of Ukraine was virtually certain and that the country’s capital city of Kyiv would be “sacked” and potentially even “occupied” by Russian forces within weeks. 

    Biden then reportedly informed his Ukrainian counterpart that the United States would not be sending any advanced military equipment or putting any boots on the ground to support Ukraine in the event of an invasion by Russian forces. A portion of the Jake Tapper report on the subject ran live on CNN, detailing how poor the meeting was for Biden. During the meeting, Zelensky allegedly told Biden to “calm down” when the US president insisted that a Russian invasion was “imminent.” (More on The Postmillennial)

    Jan. 28, 2022 War Room Pandemic: The EU Can’t Wait To Get Into A War With Russia.

    Jan. 28, 2022 War Room Pandemic - Posobiec: Release The Transcripts.

    Jan. 28, 2022 War Room Pandemic - Sam Faddis: This Is How You Stumble Into Real Wars.

    Jan. 28, 2022 Tucker Carlson Tonight (full). 

    Biden and his intel team know better than the people on the ground. This is classic rationalism. Dumb and arrogant, a lethal combination. 

    Historical background
    The history of Europe is tribal. It is, what it is. And it matters. Here's a reminder how complicated the relation is between Russia and Ukraine. The latter started out as the heartland of the Kievan Rus. The Caspian Report explains why Russia wants to restore the Soviet borders.

    Kings and Generals: Ancient Origins of the Kievan Rus: From Rurikids to Mongols - DOCUMENTARY. 

    July 20, 2021 Caspian Report: Why Russia wants to restore the Soviet borders.

    Tags: War & conflict, Globalism, Politics, History

    Jan. 13, 2022


    In recent days reports appeared in the media about rioting or even an impending revolution in the former Soviet republic of Kazaghstan (fact book). Given the reputation of the legacy media for the spread of globalist propaganda and misrepresentation of facts in recent years, we are happy to be able to give our readers some independent perspectives on events concerning Russia and its 'near abroad'. 

    UPDATE: Well, it would seem that Biden's fiasco in Afghanistan is now spreading hybrid warfare over the entire Eurasian region! Indian counter-terror experts closely monitoring the situation in Kazaghstan are analyzing the role of ISI in the attacks. Sources in Tadjikistan say over 6,000 terrorists have gathered near Southern borders of the Central Asian Republics and Eurasian states. Afghan Taliban are pushing armed militants and suicide bombers in an organized way in northern Afghanistan, along the borders with former Soviet republics. 

    The narrative in the Western media couldn't be more wrong. This is not about citizens for freedom or even about Russia, it is the next chapter in the history of Islamic terrorist conquests (aided and abetted or not by the CIA Qatar Bureau and Erdogan of Turkey). Biden's blunder has now become a regional problem. (More in The Economic Times

    Tags: War & conflict, Info war

    Jan. 11, 2022


    Jan. 11, 2022 Glenn Beck: Why tension in Kazaghstan spells trouble for Joe Biden.

    UPDATE: In the meantime a new round of diplomatic talks started on Monday in Geneva between US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman and her Russian counterpart, Sergei Ryabkov. The Biden regime has made clear it will continue to challenge Russia as their favorite boogeyman. White, alpha male and Christian, an ideal and safe enemy for the wokesters in the State Dept. Russophobia is in the US Security State's DNA, a remnant of the Cold War. Ryabkov used the word "amazing" to describe the talks, but it was not clear if [he] was speaking ironically. (More on Channel News Asia)

    The US have rejected Russia's demand to halt the expansion of NATO in the eastward direction. More the $2 billion in military aid so far has flowed from DC to Ukraine. NATO is patrolling the Black Sea 24/7, hawkishly watching Russia's every military move. (More on Zero Hedge

    July 20, 2021 Caspian Report: Why Russia wants to restore the Soviet borders.

    Jan. 11, 2022 Brad Johnson: Putin's assault on Ukraine: Part I. Part IIPart III

    April 23, 2021 Caspian Report: Ukraine and Russia preparing for a new war.

    Tags: Globalism, Info war, War & conflict

    Jan. 7, 2022


    Political map of Asia and Kazaghstan, the 9th largest country on the planet. 

    A glance on the map of Asia alone makes clear immediately the importance of the country of Kazaghstan. It is a stable state that was led by an 'enlightened potentate' for the last thirty years or so. Kazaghstan is not usually in the news. So uncharacteristically unrest has broken out, ostensibly sparked by "high fuel prices". If this sounds familiar, it is because it is reminiscent of the Arab Spring narrative, the Ukraine narrative, the Egypt narrative, the Syria narrative, the Georgia narrative etc. that all supposedly started in similar ways. Are we living through yet another globalist, Democrat instigated 'color revolution'? A Moscow newspaper is reporting that Russian and Belarus forces will arrive in Kazakhstan soon to re-establish order. This Reuters item shows the gist of the reporting about the recent events in the mainstream Western media, followed by an alternative view of the situation.

    REUTERS: Kazakh president fails to quell protests, ex-Soviet states offer help 
    (...) Initially sparked by anger at a fuel price rise, the protests have quickly spread to take in wider opposition to President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev's predecessor Nursultan Nazarbayev, who retained significant power despite quitting in 2019 after a nearly three-decade rule. (...)  The Central Asian nation's reputation for stability under Nazarbayev helped attract hundreds of billions of dollars of foreign investment in its oil and metals industries. 
    But a younger generation is demanding the liberalisation seen in other former satellite states of the Soviet Union. The protests are the worst in Kazakhstan - a country five times the size of France with a population of nearly 19 million people - in over a decade. Apparently seeking to appease public ire, Tokayev sacked Nazarbayev as head of the powerful Security Council on Wednesday, and took it over himself. 
    He also appointed a new head of the State Security Committee, successor to the Soviet-era KGB, and removed Nazarbayev's nephew from the No. 2 position on the committee. Tokayev's Cabinet also resigned. But protests continued, with demonstrators taking control of the airport in Almaty, Kazakhstan's biggest city, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters. Flights were cancelled. (More on Reuters).

    But here's the alternative perspective, a free translation of a thread tweeted by @ElladaKupros Twitter account:

    Here is some useful information about what is happening in Kazakhstan so as not to get deceived that this is a peaceful revolution against a dictator and that the protesters are peaceful and want democracy. πŸ”½1 

    Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, through elections, succeeded the country's 30-year long President, Nursultan Nazarbayev. In honor of the capital Astana, he renamed the capital Nursultan.The population of the country amounts to 17 million citizens. The majority of them are Kazakhs 63%, Russians 24%, Ukrainians 2%...πŸ”½2 

    ...Uighurs 1.4%, Tatars 1.28%, in addition to 10,000 or 4,1% Greeks! Kazakhstan is among the ten countries with the largest production of flour! Oil is a great source of income for the country, and the reserves are impressive. πŸ”½3 

    32 Billion barrels of oil are reportedly in reserve, amounting to a significant 3% of global oil production. Of the daily reserves, the country consumes only 13%, the rest is exported to third countries, China, Russia and elsewhere. πŸ”½4 

    KazMunayGas (KMG) is the state-owned company that manages energy in the country. The exploitation in new found deposits was done with foreign investments, mainly from the USA! Kazakhstan's natural gas reserves amount to 85 trillion cubic feet.πŸ”½5 

    More than half of the production of natural gas is exported to third countries. Kazakhstan has huge quantities of coal destined for domestic energy production but is also exported to Ukraine and Russia.πŸ”½6

    Chevron, Exxon, Shell, ENI have invested heavily in the country's energy reserves. Decades may have passed since the end of the USSR, but all the new states carved out of the USSR are considered Russia's "near abroad" buffer states and Russia will not change this doctrine. πŸ”½7 

    Something that many do not know is that the capital Astana is a modern architectural marvel of the Japanese Architect Kiso Kurokawa. πŸ”½8 

    1/3 of the imported products come from Russia. Kazakhstan is a founding member of the so-called "Eurasian Economic Union".The giant deposit of Tenghiz gave the country its biggest bounty.πŸ”½9 

    The extent of this deposit is huge and is characterized as the most important deposit that has been found in the region! To understand the position, see this map! It is really impressive!πŸ”½10 

    But the country's biggest weapon is none other than the Kazagh super-deposit discovered in 2000. It is located in the North Caspian islands and the estimated reserves are 38 billion barrels.πŸ”½11 

    It is the fifth largest oil field in the world and the largest outside the Middle East! However, the good news for the country is not over. The country has rare uranium deposits, the main fuel for the production of nuclear power. πŸ”½12 

    The top five uranium producing countries in the world are Kazakhstan, Canada, Australia, Namibia and Niger. Kazaghstan's uranium resources amount to 906,800 tons (15% of the world's uranium resources). πŸ”½13 

    Kazaghstan is the world's first country in uranium production! Kazakhstan's national uranium mining company, Kazatomprom, is the world's largest uranium production company. πŸ”½14 

    Few people are aware of these facts, least of all those who comment easily on what is happening in this distant Caspian country. They say it is a protest of the people against the high fuel prices, although construction of the gas grid in the country has not yet been completed and has not yet reached all outposts in the vast country. πŸ”½15 

    Allegedly peaceful protesters have been aroused by known NGOs that will not succeed in their efforts, as they're very well aware. πŸ”½16

    In Ukraine their instructions were carried out to the letter, with the West believing that bad Russia is shuffling the deck again! Something similar we will see in this case, if the NGOs and their agents manage to prevail. πŸ”½17 

    NATO Forces are encircling Russia. What NATO does not know however, is that Russia will react as it always does. She does not need any assistants, it's the others that are playing the marionets. πŸ”½18

    A photo tribute to the capital Astana will follow in another tweet. Until then. All information is filtered..... nothing is as it seems, absolutely nothing! Always tell the truth... 

    - Original tweet by Ellada-Kypros account
    - Original integrated threadreaderpage 

    Tags: Globalism, Info war, War & conflict, economy money & trade
